
In Canvas, where you upload a file will determine which storage quota will apply for that upload. The maximum course size limit for all courses is set to 1024MB (~1GB), but you can extend that limit by uploading media files to a different storage area. 

Storage Areas

The information below details the different storage quotas and additional helpful information.

Course File Storage

Course file storage is set at a default of 1024MB (~1GB) per course. Files that count against the course storage quota are as follows:

  • Any files uploaded into the course content sections (i.e. Files, Modules, Assignments, etc.).

Group Files Storage

Group file storage is set at a default of 1GB per group per course. Files that count against the course storage quotas are as follows:

  • Any files uploaded into the group Canvas site by the group members and / or instructor.

Account File Storage

Personal File Storage is set at a default of 1GB per user. Files that count against the personal storage quotas are as follows:

  • Files uploaded directly into your personal file storage area
  • Files uploaded to ungraded assignments
  • Files uploaded to ungraded discussions
  • Files attached to “Conversations” (Inbox/Email)

Canvas Studio Storage

Canvas Studio allows for the uploading of large multimedia files (video lectures, screenshares, clips) and does not have a storage limit. If you have large files that you wish to share with your class — or multiple classes — CIRT suggest using Global studio to do so. 

Additional Options

UNF students, faculty and staff with Office 365 are provided with 5 Terabytes (5,000 GB) of cloud-based space to store work related files using OneDrive. OneDrive lets you easily store and share files – anywhere, on any device.


  • When you attempt to upload a file that will push the course over its limit, you will receive an error message indicating that the file exceeds the file quota.
  • User and Group quotas are not linked to course quotas or to each other.
  • Users with a faculty role still have the same personal file quota as any other role.
  • If a student adds a file to a group site, it will only count towards the group’s quota.
  • Attachments to an ungraded group discussion will only count towards the student’s quota.
  • Submissions/Attachments to graded assignments/discussions will not count towards any quota.
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