Flip (Grid) / Canvas Integration


Flip (formerly known as Flipgrid) is a tool that can facilitate simple video discussions, where students can post videos of themselves responding to an instructor’s prompt. Like a traditional discussion board, Flip uses threaded discussions, where participants can respond in a video or text-based format to any of their classmates. 

Flip feels and functions a lot like a social media messaging app; students can add filters, frames, annotations, and several other effects before finalizing and submitting their video. They can produce lengthier, edited videos or just record a simple video of themselves talking. The nice thing about Flip is that it is relatively easy to use for both teachers and students, it can be fully integrated into Canvas, and it is available for use in all courses at UNF.


CIRT strongly recommends reaching out to an instruction designer in CIRT to help set up this LTI Integration, particularly if it is your first time using it.

Add Flip to Canvas

Once the Flip LTI has been set up and integrated with your Canvas account, you are ready you create a Flip activity.

  1. Create a new assignment in your Canvas course.
    Note: This may be counterintuitive to use an Assignment rather than a Discussion; however, in order to integrate Flip, it must be created as an Assignment.


  2. Edit the Assignment details and change the submission type to External Tool.

  3. Then, select the option to Find an External Tool URL.
Canvas Assignment Submission Type External Tool. Click find next to the option to enter or find an external tool URL.
  1. Scroll through the list of external tool options to select Flip.
Configure External Tool menu. Select Flip from list. Click Select button in bottom right corner.
  1. Make sure the box is checked to Load This Tool In A New Tab and select Save.
Canvas Assignment option screen. Check the box next to Load This Tool in a New Tab. Click the Save button in the bottom right corner.
  1. Go back into the assignment itself and click to Load Flip discussion in a new window.
Flip Discussion assignment submission page. Click Load Flip discussion in a new window.
  1. This will automatically generate a new topic on Flip within your course that will be integrated with your Canvas account. When students load this discussion and submit their responses, their post will show up for you to view using the Speedgrader feature in Canvas.

  2. However, any instructions you may have available for students in Canvas will not populate in Flip. If you want students to be able to see instructions when they are in Flip, you must select the three dots in the upper right corner of the page and choose Edit topic. From there you can edit the instructions students see as well as other assignment settings.
Flip. Select Edit Topic from right side menu.
Flip. Select Edit Topic from right side menu.

Important Note: You will need to inform students that the first time they complete a Flip assignment in your course they will need to choose the option to sign in with Microsoft (not Google) and use their UNF credentials when they log in.

Flip logo
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