Keynote / Narrated Presentations


Keynote is a presentation software developed by Apple. This article describes the process for creating a narrated presentation in Keynote with the intent to save the presentation as a video to add to a Canvas course. 


Recording audio and video require the use of a microphone and webcam. While most laptops have these items built-in, some desktop computers and older model laptops may require the user to connect external devices. UNF faculty who need to acquire the necessary equipment can check out these items from CIRT.

Create a Slideshow

The first step in the process is to build all the slides for the presentation. You may use an existing presentation if you have one available. Then, follow the steps below to add narrations and export the presentation as a video file.

🎬 Step 1: Select the Play dropdown menu in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click Record Slideshow.

Keynote Play menu with Record Slideshow selected.
Keynote Play menu with Record Slideshow selected.

🎬 Step 2: The slideshow recording screen will open. Click the Record button at the bottom of the screen to begin recording.

Keynote play bar with record button selected

A countdown will provide your que to begin narrating your slides. Navigate through the presentation and speak to the slides as you would if you were giving a live presentation.

Once you are finished, click the Record button again to end the recording. Play the presentation to check the quality and content of the recording.

Export the Narrated Presentation

🎬 Step 3: Select the File dropdown menu in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click Export To and select Movie. 

Keynote File menu with Export To selected.

View the playback settings and adjust if necessary. Click Next.

Keynote Export Your Presentation dialogue box. Movie. Playback: Slideshow Recording. Resolution: 720p

🎬 Step 4: Give your file a name and choose a storage location, then click Export. Export times will vary depending on the size of the file.

Keynote Save As dialogue box. Save as: recording. Where: Documents. Export.

Play the video file to make sure the presentation exported correctly. The exported file can now be uploaded to Canvas Studio and embedded within a Canvas course.

Keynote app icon
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