Aiding the Teaching & Learning Process 🤝

CIRT provides a wide array of instructional design services to support UNF faculty with the systematic process of designing, developing, and delivering instructional materials. The Instructional Design Team is available to consult on best practices, assist in the conversion of traditional course materials to the online learning format, and provide training and development related to the practical and pedagogical skills necessary for developing and delivering interactive and engaging courses.

Popular Links

This knowledge base is designed as a centralized library of support articles that highlight pedagogical best practices and step-by-step guides for using our most in-demand tools. These knowledge base articles are supplementary to the content contained on CIRT’s main website, wherein you will find more detailed information about how to engage with the variety of services offered to faculty. The popular links highlighted below will direct you to such pages.

Looking for More?

We want to get you the information you need as quickly as possible. Consequently, there are a lot of ways to navigate this knowledge base — a lot of entry points to the content you need. We’ve worked to make the search bar at the top of every page work for you. But if search is coming up short, you can contact CIRT at (904-620-392).

✨ Connect With Us ✨

Did you know that all UNF faculty have a dedicated ID that can help with creating and designing courses?

Learn more about the liason program and get connected with your ID.

Recently Updated
ID Documents
2023-06-07 10:33:40
2023-06-07 10:22:59
2023-06-07 10:15:16

Featured ID Resources

Scroll through the featured items below to engage with some of the most popular instructional design topics, such as student engagement, open educational resources, ready-made online course templates, and recently published blog posts focused on pedagogical best practices.

For even more instructional design resources,
please visit the ID page on CIRT’s primary website.

Instructional Design Docs

The articles highlighted here have been thoughtfully developed by our ID team and cover topics to include pedagogical best practices, considerations for online course development, open educational resources, and more. We hope that you will find these resources helpful while you plan and deliver your online courses.

Instructional Design, Course Development
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Course Development
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Course Development
Instructional Design, Course Development
Instructional Design, Course Development
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Course Development
Instructional Design, Course Development
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Course Development
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Course Development
Instructional Design, Course Development
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Open Educational Resources
Instructional Design, Best Practices
Instructional Design, Course Development