UNF Grade Transfer Tool Updates

Online Learning Support


The Grade Transfer Tool (GTT) was specifically developed by UNF to assist faculty with the process of transferring student grades from a Canvas course to myWings and submitting final grades through Banner Self-Service. Last semester, ITS and CIRT received reports that grades were not being pushed successfully. We dug into the problem to discover that, though the application was in fact working as expected, the verbiage that was displayed after a transfer was completed was a bit misleading. As a result, the LMS Team has worked diligently to update the language and enhance the user experience.

What has changed?

The final step in transferring grades via the GTT has always been to verify that the transfer was successful by reviewing the final grades in Banner for accuracy, but we realize that this may not have been expressly stated. So, we have added more specific language that includes hyperlinks to documentation that walks you through this part of the process.

Grade Transfer Tool informational message with links to documentation.

While you should ideally receive a green check mark indicating that the transfer has been successful, you may on occasion receive an error indicator. We have updated the icon associated with the error message to be a red triangle with an exclamation point so that it is more eye-catching.

Grade Transfer Tool status legend

Finally, the message associated with the acknowledgement box which is selected in order to initiate the grade transfer has been reworded to remind you that you must review the grade information in Banner once the transfer is complete.

Grade Transfer Tool acknowledgement statement

We hope that these updates will help to clarify the grade transfer process and enhance the overall user experience. Please review our support article titled Canvas / UNF Grade Transfer Tool for additional information and step-by-step guidance on using the tool. As always, feel free to reach out to CIRT (cirtlab@unf.edu) for individualized support.

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Picture of Katie Commissaris
Katie Commissaris
CIRT | Knowledge Specialist