Blog Post
Canvas offers a number of convenient features that can be used to enhance learner-instructor interactions and open lines of communication in an online course.
Instructional Design
When considering the basic differences between face-to-face and online classes, the digital separation between students and instructor-as well as between students-is typically what first comes to mind. Instructors can help to combat this sense of separation and isolation by cultivating presence in their online course.
Instructional Design
Remote teaching has impressed upon many instructors that effective delivery of synchronous online courses is much more than “live lecturing” via webcam. Across disciplines, faculty have creatively developed strategies and sought out evidence-based best practices to make the “live online” format work for students.
Blog Post
Presence refers to an impression of community connectedness, togetherness, and awareness created by expressing strategic thoughts, feelings, and actions through an online medium. How will you convey your instructor presence to students?
Blog Post
Whether your course is face-to-face, hybrid, or fully online, maintaining clear and consistent avenues of communication is paramount to student success. Canvas incorporates a variety of features that can be used to disseminate information, and the Canvas Inbox can be leveraged to facilitate two-way communication between instructors and students.
End of the Road 🙁

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